APPS paper published

Uribe-Convers et al. 2014. APPS.

Simon’s paper using long PCR and Illumina sequencing to generate complete plastomes in angiosperms was published in the January issue of APPS. This also includes a set of universal PCR primers for angiosperms. Check out the EurekAlert! and ScienceDaily press releases.

Uribe-Convers, S, JR Duke, MJ Moore, and DC Tank. 2014. A Long PCR–Based Approach for DNA Enrichment Prior to Next-Generation Sequencing for Systematic Studies. Applications in Plant Sciences 2: 1300063.

Uribe-Convers, S, JR Duke, MJ Moore, and DC Tank. 2014. Data from: A long PCR based approach for DNA enrichment prior to next-generation sequencing for systematic studies. Dryad Digital Repository.