Zanne et al. 2014. Nature.
The first paper from the NESCent tempo & mode of plant trait evolution working group on the evolution of cold tolerance in angiosperms was published online today in Nature.
All of our data is deposited in Dryad - available here.
Here is a compilation of news about this paper and a short UIdaho news blurb.
Zanne, AE, DC Tank , WK Cornwell, JM Eastman, SA Smith, et al. 2014. Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments. Nature 506(7486): 89–92.
Zanne, AE, DC Tank , WK Cornwell, JM Eastman, SA Smith, et al. 2014. Data from: Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments. Dryad Digital Repository.