Photo Credit: D. Tank
Prospective Students
I am working to build a diverse and interactive lab group interested in phylogenies and their applications in plant biology.
Graduate Research
PhD: I am seeking highly motivated students with a strong interest in plant systematics and evolution that are working towards a career or further degree involving collections based research, phylogenetics, phylogeography, taxonomy, and/or evolutionary biology to join my lab.
MS: MS research in my lab is in collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Herbarium where we have an active floristics program aimed at documenting the diversity and distribution of plants in the Rocky Mountain region in collaboratoin with state and federal agencies, as well as private land owners.
If you’re interested and want more information about joining our group, contact me by phone (307) 766-4276 or email dtank [at] uwyo.edu. To learn more about the community of botanists, ecologists, and evolutionary biologists at UW, check out the Department of Botany, the Rocky Mountain Herbarium and the Program in Ecology & Evolution.
I also encourage you to read this blog post about Applying to Biology PhD Programs.
the next step
Formal applications should include:
- a cover letter
- a general statement of research interests and experience
- a CV, including names and contact information for at least three references
Interested applicants should email materials to dtank [at] uwyo.edu.
Prospective students will be required to successfully enroll as a graduate student in the Department of Botany (MS) or the Program in Ecology & Evolution (PhD) at the University of Wyoming. For information about applying to our department and university-wide graduate programs go here.
Undergraduate Research
There are numerous possibilities for small projects in the lab and herbarium and I encourage inquiries from undergraduates interested in gaining research experience. If you’re interested in research opportunities want more information about possibilities, contact me by phone (307) 766-4276 or email dtank [at] uwyo.edu.